Because of the exam and the new job the crafting has been a little sparse but I have managed to fit in a few little projects. I'm mostly crocheting at the moment as it is easier to fit in around other stuff. It also "grows" quickly if you know what I mean. Usually I can complete a little crochet project in a short period of time. I've just finished this -
The pattern for the cactus and pot are available here at Nadia's Flickr. She has posted a fabulous picture tutorial and pattern. I'm not the best at crochet but I found it easy to follow and the pictures helped a lot. The kids thought it was hilarious. I'm thinking of putting it on our office window as we never have time to look after real plants. I also managed to crochet some new cotton wash cloths.
The flower cloth with the yellow centre is from this free pattern at Marlo's Crochet corner.
The flower cloth with the orange centre is a mistake ! (remember when I said I could sometimes be easily distracted), well I did a little to many stitches on the last few rows. I kind of like how it turned out though.
The garden is looking rather bare already but we still have some carrots left to harvest and boy are they sweet and delicious. There really is no comparison between the fresh from your garden kind and shop bought. I'm planning to make carrot and coriander soup tomorrow for lunch.
Your carrots look great! Good luck with the new job! If I could decide what to study today midwife is one of the occupations I would consider seriously. I wish I had been wiser when I was 19 :)
Thanks :)
Just love the crochet cactus
I might have a go myself, am enjoying the crochet book 201 crochet motifs that I told you about.
I have only just started blogging so am waiting for some visitors!!!!
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